Father’s Day originated in the United States. The story starts in 1908 when a West Virginian church held a special service to commemorate 360 men (fathers) who had died in a mining disaster. This event, combined with Sonora Smart Dodd’s influence, let to the first official Father’s Day celebration on June 19, 1910. Sonora had been raised by her father a single parent and wanted to honor him, just as mother’s were honored by celebrating Mother’s Day.
However, the first mention of Father’s Day in Australia was in the Newcastle Sun on September 4, 1936. By piecing together historical records, it’s believed that Australians began celebrating Father’s Day in the early 1930s. The Commonwealth officially designated the first Sunday in September as Father’s Day in 1964.
The reason behind celebrating Father’s Day in September remains a mystery. Some speculate that the choice of September offers a commercial advantage, especially with Mother’s Day in May and Christmas in December.
Australian Father’s Day traditions have evolved over time. Many families opt for outdoor activities such as BBQ’s and picnics. Special church services are also held. Charity events, such as fun runs, have become popular, making the day into not just a family affair but also a community event.